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why i got 1d mute?

Napisany przez Yoohas84, 26-12-2020, 22:11
why i got 1d mute?

Offline Yoohas84

JimLahey here, mod aztec give me 1d mute just becouse i write that 'Sex is not good for children', its abusing mod priviliges i think

Offline Geimeris123

or once again you are being very annoying or toxic to the community and the staff itself.
also provide more context next time Smile

Offline Yoohas84

(26-12-2020, 22:17)Geimeris123 Wrote: or once again you are being very annoying or toxic to the community and the staff itself.
also provide more context next time Smile

he give me no warning, no shit just right away mute ,mods should give warnings for 1 day mute ,its mod abusing

Offline broski0909

Your 'history' is enough to not give a warn already,
after so many mutes and time spent while being so should already teach you what to say and what not.

Offline Yoohas84

(26-12-2020, 22:25)broski0909 Wrote: Your 'history' is enough to not give a warn already,
after so many mutes and time spent while being so should already teach you what to say and what not.

i feel i am not treating like other players on the server, i write nothing wrong, some kid writing on global 'SEX SEX' etc

Offline RacerTR

Damn i write to global sex everytime and im not getting muted because i giv mone to staff!!!! Cool
Look at how this looks suprisingly weird and good[Image: 2000_TVR_CerberaSpeed1211.jpg]

Offline scaftz

"I write nothing wrong", cool joke. Probs some moderator just suddenly aware you are online out of nothing. Definitely not. Even your first post says otherwise.

(26-12-2020, 22:32)Yoohas84 Wrote: some kid writing on global 'SEX SEX' etc

Hey guess what, you are that kid. Whenever i see your presence on global chat all you blabber is never far from stupid incoherent sexual statements. Not even solely my observation, almost everyone who knows who you are will agree. I didn't see the exact moment you get muted but judging from your regular behavior it's very guessable what's actually happened. Enjoy your mute as much as everyone else enjoy the global chat without your presence. And grow up.

Offline Yoohas84

ok maybe i understood that i behaving wrong my friend and now i'll try to behave for my 36 years ok

Offline Little_Relli

idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
When you drive crazy in NFSSA:
[Image: russian-accident.gif]

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