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SKYRIM Fans Arise!

Napisany przez MisterJohnson, 06-04-2017, 02:58
SKYRIM Fans Arise!

Offline MisterJohnson

Hello fellow nords (hello outlanders aswell) I came here in thy forum to spread the glory of our land, so lets make it this topic, TES V: Skyrim's Topic, if you have anything to tell, to show or to ask, feel free to share with us, Skyrim belongs to the nords!

Well..if you already heard about skyrim but have no idea about what it is, you can open the spoiler below and have a quick review about the
Game Name: The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim (yes, it has 4 previous versions, though Skyrim is the most popular)
Developper: BETHESDA
Release Date: 2011
Minimum Requirements: Dual Core 1,8Ghz, 512MB Videocard, 4GB of RAM memory, 6GB of HD space
DLCs: Dawnguard (Werewolves versus vampires, though a really brutal and cool shit different from twilight bs)
          Hearthfire (A DLC that allows you to build your house from the bottom, choosing which rooms you want to build, and what do you
          want to fill these rooms with)
          Dragonborn (A DLC that adds a completely new map to skyrim, add tons of more resources and a new storyline to the game)


Skyrim is a pretty nice game that follows the RPG genre, it's an open world map where anything could happen, that includes getting assaulted by random thieves, getting face to face with Giants on their camps, visit dungeons swarming with Draughrs (Undead skeletons that looks like Game of Thrones' walkers) being attacked by sneaky wild animals, by a mighty dragon or even be approached by random NPCs that will trigger a quest or perhaps a Questline, that...besides the Main and Secondary Questlines which will be pointed to you through the whole gameplay, the best thing about Skyrim, is that this game allows you to have certain free will about your character's fate, some fates are honorable..others don't, the most impressive thing about this game is the level of roleplay it has...you can't see it on many RPGs out there..and I bellieve this factor has conquered a place in the heart of most rpg players, oooh..not to mention the Fantastic Scenario that Skyrim brings.
Something else that might attract more kind of gamers is that Skyrim has auto-difficult-leveled NPCs, so..if you play on easy mode, you won't have to level up your character through side Questlines in order to become strong enough to face the bosses on the main questline, on the other hand, if you're an adventurer, dungeon-clearer, quest chaser, you might tighten up the difficult, well...I had finished the game on Legendary Dificult myself, with all DLCs and shit, but...even after that...some random quests that I never seen started  to appear (and I haven't completed it yet...) this Quest is only unlocked once you reach level 80, and booooy...haha...Well...I won't give anymore spoilers...if that didn't encouraged you to play this game, I don't know what would. Though I'd still like to mention the downsides of this game...First thing is...With the latest DLC (dragonborn) it becomes buggy, and everytime you slay a dragon, you should type a command to absorb it's soul manually, perhaps you'll need to use manual commands to fix bugs on random quests, yet, the game's animation could've been better worked on (though nothing stops you from downloading a decent animation mod pack)....
I bring to you pictures from the game, I shall post soon some pictures from my characters aswell:

"The dead from skyrim should be left to rest, those who disturb their tombs are bound to pay with their lives"
[Image: DraugrGroup_wLegal.jpg]
"This cold land hides a single beauty that khajiit haven't seen anywhere else..."
[Image: 387813-skyrim-wilderness.jpg]
"Could the legends be true?....
...Legends don't burn down villages"
[Image: 0fe8e41c742170eeb74f998d05cea1d5.jpg]
"This is Our Land, and it shall be ours again..."
[Image: 40a41e5886d11352b4c6ce7d48e26d34.jpg]
"Magic is dangerous and...unless you can control it, it will destroy you"
[Image: 29459-1-1357517753.jpg]
"What the sound of life?....Silence, my brother"
[Image: the_dark_brotherhood_wallpaper_by_kylech...4hxgol.png]

Offline Szymio

I've had some screenshots on my laptop, if I get a hold of it I will surely post it.
[Image: mta-screen_2018-10-07_17-36-15.png]

Offline MatthewChow

I ain't got Skyrim, just Fallout. ... Which is basically a reskinned Skyrim, so, I could post screenshots of that...
[Image: TEgVg7dMvlbFQYoF3YFE_iT3-MR9op3yBLZV4K_a...jfcQ=w2400]
I invite you to eat a sock.


Offline Szymio

^ go ahead
[Image: mta-screen_2018-10-07_17-36-15.png]

Offline Quindo

Never finished the game, but spent a loooot of time modding it, few times to the point of crashing every few hours :<

Some screens: LINK
[Image: Sj14yZE.gif]

Offline MisterJohnson

(06-04-2017, 08:37)MatthewChow Wrote: I ain't got Skyrim, just Fallout. ... Which is basically a reskinned Skyrim, so, I could post screenshots of that...

Behold! let's not mix up games please...

(06-04-2017, 09:51)Quindo Wrote: Never finished the game, but spent a loooot of time modding it, few times to the point of crashing every few hours :<

Some screens: LINK

One doesn't simply finishes Skyrim hahaha...though I gotta admit I'd download few of your mods (if they didn't crashed)
I'd like to see a new scenario on whiterun with more vegetation n shit, but my gear doesn't allows me to go too far..

Offline MatthewChow

Waw! I didn't know Skyrim had such architectural styling. (Or even such graphics!)
Well, with Fallout New Vegas I went for a much more cartoony style, as I like it more. I came from games like AutoModellista and ChoroQ, so, it makes sense.
[Image: TEgVg7dMvlbFQYoF3YFE_iT3-MR9op3yBLZV4K_a...jfcQ=w2400]
I invite you to eat a sock.


Offline MisterJohnson

(06-04-2017, 21:08)MatthewChow Wrote: Waw! I didn't know Skyrim had such architectural styling. (Or even such graphics!)

Another good side about it is that you may run on a video-cardless machine if the processor is good enough, and at the same time, with the right setup, it will
have graphics that evenly matches Games with AAA graphics,if that's not enough, you can appeal to modding...

Offline MatthewChow

Yeah, it's the same as Fallout. I play NewVegas on the PC like that, but, after turning down the graphics, I also bring my controller with me and play it on the tablet when I go out in vacations.
Fallout actually has to be patched (have a mod on) to run on Intel IGPs, since Bethesda blocked them for some odd reason, but, after that is done, it runs like butter.
[Image: TEgVg7dMvlbFQYoF3YFE_iT3-MR9op3yBLZV4K_a...jfcQ=w2400]
I invite you to eat a sock.


Offline MisterJohnson

"What is better? to be born good, or overcome your evil nature through great effort?"
[Image: 2170948-paarthurnax_crushed.png]
"But our Brethren, the Dwemer, Scorned the Daedra and Mocked our foolish rituals, and preferred instead
their gods of wisdom and logic"
[Image: latest?cb=20130728233844]

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